Sunday, May 4, 2014

Real Women Need Pockets!

I am at work early on a Sunday morning.  It is a beautiful spring day, so I choose a bright color light weight dress.  I love the color and I love the design which is why I purchased it online.  As soon as I was dressed I remembered why I hate this dress so much I have only worn it once.  It has no pockets! 

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Give me POCKETS!

What is the deal with making women’s clothes without pockets?  Can you imagine a pair of men’s pants without pockets?  Men get pockets in dress pants, sweatpants, even in running shorts!  The only place women can count on finding pockets is in a pair of jeans.  How are we supposed to function without pockets?

This morning I am in a mid-sized hospital that covers half a city block with two towers with nine floors each.  At any moment my business cell phone will ring calling me to any part of the hospital or to another hospital half the city away.  Often it will ring again before I am done responding to the first call.  In addition I have my personal cell phone for issues at home.  So I need to carry two cell phones, car keys, and an office door key.  Being allergy season it would be nice to have a tissue handy as well.  And no pockets…not even a waist band to hang stuff from.  
What are the designers of women’s clothing thinking?  Is the expectation that women will always carry a purse?  Who does that in the real world? 
I know I am not alone in this clothes crisis!  The other day I went out after work with a friend.  On our way to the restaurant her boob started ringing.  Instantly my eyes riveted to her breast.  She laughed as reached down the neck of her sweater into her bra.  Out came her smart phone.  Instantly I saw a childhood flash back of my mother doing the same thing to get a handkerchief.  
I can imagine myself leaned over a patient’s bed having an intense conversation and my boob goes off.  OMG!  I am not a kangaroo!   Although I found my friend’s ringing boob rather amusing, it is not something I am inclined to imitate.

I try not to buy any clothes for work or play that do not have pockets.  I really do.  However, that cuts the selection of clothes in my size and acceptable styles way down.  Sometimes I just buy something I like it (not that I am a tad impulsive or anything).

Yesterday I put on a new pair of CJ Banks capris.  They were bright and cheery perfect for an outing with a friend to a car dealership to see if we could win one of their alluring prizes without needing to buy a new car.  I pulled them in anticipation.  Oh, no!  No pockets!  I am not hauling my purse through a car lot and in and out of cars.  I like purses ok as long as I can set them somewhere and not forget where.
I am a creative person.  I find ways around the lack of pockets but that takes time and energy to figure out.  This winter I learned that I could wear my pager on the top back side of my boots.  I also learned that was not a good plan when traipsing through snow.   Today my dress ensemble (doesn't that sound like I should be making a trip down the run way?) includes a small black purse with a strap I’m hoping will not strangle me carrying my pagers but too small to include my car keys which I will be leaving in the office.  I have my office key (the one door I can’t open with my badge) is safety pinned to my name tag.  Now that is so professional looking!

Some clothes that come with pockets are deceiving.  I have two pair of pants that fit nicely and are comfortable however they create a different sort of pocket crisis.  The pockets are too shallow.  No problem if I am standing or walking.  When I sit whatever is in my pockets quietly falls out.  More times than I would like to remember I am sent on an unwelcome hunt for keys, money, and cell phone.  Once I recovered my cell phone the bottom of a pile of leaves.  Earlier I  had bent over that spot to pick some trash on the way into the house. I should be grateful that I remembered bending over.  If I hadn't, the faulty pocket construction would have cost me a lot!  In some ways those pockets are more problematic than no pockets at all.  Perhaps I need to amend my question to, "Why do women's clothes not have functional pockets?

No matter where I am I have things and need somewhere to put them.  I am not sticking them in my bra or carting a purse around all day.  I need pockets!  The men in my life have pockets.  They never have a pocket crisis.  I shouldn't have to either. 

“Give me pockets and you give me liberty!”  Am I alone in my cry?  Share your thoughts and your pocket stories.

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